Justin Weiss - “B is for Beekeeping,” Eileen McKusick - Biofield Tuning and Electric Health #1864

It’s Furry, Furbulous Friday! We are buzzing with excitement to talk to Justin Weiss, author of “B is for Beekeeping.” He wrote the book to encourage children to explore the “un-bee-lievable” world around them and to respect some of the smallest, but mightiest, creatures. And, a portion of the proceeds from the sales of B is for Beekeeping benefits the protection of all bees through a special donation to organizations that help preserve bees and their habitats. Order the book on his website, bisforbeeking.com.

Next, we have Eileen McKusick on the show. Eileen Day is a pioneer in the fields of the human biofield, therapeutic sound, and electric health. A researcher, author, inventor, educator, speaker and practitioner, Eileen has been researching health since 1987, and specifically how sound impacts health. She is the originator of the sound therapy method Biofield Tuning, and the founder of the Biofield Tuning Institute. She is the author of the award winning, bestselling book "Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy", as well as the recently released "Electric Body, Electric Health". Eileen is also the inventor of the revolutionary and much loved tool, the Sonic Slider. Learn more about Eileen on her website, and be sure to attend the upcoming Wise Traditions Conference Oct. 21st-23rd in Knoxville, TN, where Eileen will be speaking. See you there!

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Mary Holland - The Most Read News of the Week from the Children’s Health Defense “Defender” Newsletter #1865


SPECIAL REPORT: Mary Holland and Zoey O’Toole - “Turtles All The Way Down” Review #1863